Art.63: Provisions about Electoral Mandate
- The electoral mandate grants to the mediator one vote during restricted votes and the possibility to receive executive mandates.
- The electoral mandate is personal and non transmissible.
- The electoral mandate cannot be prolonged, and it is necessary to be candidate to next elections.
- The electoral mandate is not remunerated.
- Mediators in exercise must identify themselves in all public and professional communications.
- The electoral mandate dies out either after the allowed duration or by mediator's resignation or disappearance. The electoral mandate cannot be the object of a revocation procedure.
- The end of an electoral mandate does not terminate an executive mandate. One the other hand, when the electoral mandate is finished, the administrative mandate of a AT representative will be finished, too.
- The duration of the electoral mandate is defined by administrative procedure. The current value is published in the Appendix of this Convention.
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