Art.7: Fundamentals
- Autonomy of languages. A language is independent in relation to the individuals and the states. The right to use the own language is a natural right of individuals.
- Integrity of languages. Any language is the fruit of the collective will of the people, it is established by the use, and it refers to the individual compromise with a community.
- Rule of individuation. The particular will of an individual is the first source of his right, and it is indissociable of his natural person.
- Rule of subordination. The rights and the obligations of individuals are subordinated to the laws and tributes of the Country in which they are resident.
- Non-contradiction rule. The decisions of Council of Trustees are normative in comparison with the interpretation of the text of the Convention in force. A motion cannot contradict the Convention. The action of representatives, agents and Entities must be authorized by a motion adopted by procedure and cannot contradict this procedure.
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