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In3activa Convention of translators and interpreters (CITI version 1, revision 5, "The Elections")
VI.2. Economic regulation
Art.88: Exploitation revenues of the Convention
  1. The revenues of the Convention exploitation are subjected to the provisions of the General Exploitation Agreement. These incomes come from:
    1. The issuance of certificates of execution;
    2. Procedure Fee;
    3. Any other source of incomes in connection with its activity.
  2. After deduction of the agency fee, the sharing rule is applied in the following way:
    1. The exploitation percentage is poured to the exploitation funds of the TA (or to the District Entity that issued the certificate).
    2. The percentage of trusteeship directly feeds the owned resources of the TA;
    3. The percentage of version is sent to the Trustees of legitimate versions.
  3. After the deduction corresponding to nominal deposit, the TA will pour to each legitimate version holder, the result of division, in equal parts, of the percentage of version by the number of recognized versions.
  4. The censal funds managed by the TA are included in the calculation published in the financial report.

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