Art.10: Economic Model
- Financial Report. The financial report of the TA publishes reference information about censal funds, which determine the procedure course and the calculation of the participants' rights.
- Censal Funds. The censal funds are different according to their origin: either nominal deposits, whose rights holding is individual, and exploitation funds, with shared ownership. The entities are united and subordinated to procedure, within the limit of the censal funds of which they ensure management. All budget calculations use the undivided totality of the censal funds, without distinction of origin
- Rights of Execution. All the participants have execution rights on censal funds, proportional to their nominal deposit. Rights of execution are the voting capital, the Insurance Capital, and the Return of Exploitation, each of them calculated according to the censal funds, in accordance with the financial report.
- Freedom of Deposits. The freedom of deposits and movement of capitals is guaranteed between the Approved Entities. The same member can deposit funds in various Management Entities, pertaining to different districts.
- General Agreement. The General Agreement is an enumeration of mandatory clauses, included in any private contract by the declaration of conformity of the parts. The arbitration clause helps to expressly bind the signatories not registered to the arbitration of the Convention.
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