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In3activa Convention of translators and interpreters (CITI version 1, revision 5, "The Elections")
V.3. Nomination vote
Art.56: Definitions
  1. The investiture vote is the procedure used to nominate the Holder of the Trusteeship Administration (TAH).
  2. The investiture procedure begins:
    1. After an explicit decision of the Council of Trustees, on the initiative of a legitimate tutor (on his behalf or that of a third).
    2. Implicitly, in the event of vacancy in the direction of the TA, after the Holder's disappearance or resignation, the vanishing of Donimus's Trusteeship, or at the end of the President's electoral mandate.
  3. The Regency is the period during which a Regent Mediator governs the TA during the investiture procedure.

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