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In3activa Convention of translators and interpreters (CITI version 1, revision 5, "The Elections")
IV.5. Trusteeship vote protocol
Art.42: Definition
  1. The protocol of trusteeship vote is used by the TAH in order to organize the vote of Council of Trustees during ordinary or constitutional procedures. This protocol is applied:
    1. With the second vote of an ordinary procedure;
    2. In constitutional procedures;
    3. For the solution of conflicts between the TAH and the spokesman of a ordinary procedure;
    4. To emit a decision, upon request of a registered member, via a legitimate trustee.
  2. The Council Decisions receive the name of sentences. The Council's sentences comply with the rule of trusteeship unity: its sentences can be used to emit a noncontradictory interpretation of the Convention; to justify a Council or arbitration sentences, or to ensure the course of a procedure.
  3. Only a trustee whose name appears on the cover of a legitimated version of this Convention may participate in a trusteeship voting. Given the case, a Trustee in the Council will have as many voting rights than legitimate versions of the Convention have his name.
  4. The Trustee vote is independent of the voting rights. A Trustee may, or may not be, a voter in his own territorial Entity.
  5. When a mediator president is the head of the TA, he will not be able to perform any prerogative reserved for Donimus, whose functions in this case will be provided by a voluntary Trustee, or by the oldest Trustee.

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