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In3activa Convention of translators and interpreters (CITI version 1, revision 5, "The Elections")
III.1. Trusteeship Administration (TA)
Art.17: Administrative standardization
  1. The TA deals with administrative standardization. The application of the standardization recommendations published by the TA is compulsory.
  2. Any procedure proceeds in at least one of the Trustee languages. Any decision approved in a Trustee Language has the same executory force for all the Trustee languages.
  3. The number or reference of the decision is a number, given by TA, which identifies an approved decision, or a Council sentence. All the procedures, except for the constitutional procedures, use a number formed by a prefix indicating the type of procedure, the year and a consecutive number. A decision is considered final when a number was allotted to him.
  4. The number of decision publicly identifies mediators, mandataries and Approved Entities. Its mention is compulsory for all public or professional communications.
  5. Subject to the rules defined by the TAH, the declaration of intellectual property of the tools and specifications developed for the implementation of the TA activity will use the Internet©, or the Protected© modifiers, and will refer to the General License of Translation or any other compatible license. Are compatible the following licenses:
    1. Which completely recognize the participant's right of version;
    2. Which recognize that the author's or participant's trusteeship is equal, according to their versions.
    3. Which renounce to the totality of the patrimonial and transmissible rights.

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