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In3activa Convention of translators and interpreters (CITI version 1, revision 5, "The Elections")
V.9. Arbitration
Art.76: Nomination of Procedure Spokesman
  1. The spokesman nomination proceeds in two times. Firstly, the plaintiff chooses a mediator in exercise from the Mediators Registry, in accordance with the following criteria:
    1. The mediator belongs to the same district than the defendant;
    2. If there is no mediator registered in the defendant's district, the defender's language will be the main selection criterion.
    3. The mediator selected by the plaintiff agrees to represent the defendant.
  2. Then the mediator proposed by the plaintiff must contact the defendant and obtain his confirmation. The defendant has SEVEN DAYS to confirm the mediator proposed by plaintiff or to choose its spokesman. The selected mediator must be able to communicate with both parts, this is a compulsory rule and by failing to do so, the TAH may refuse to admit the procedure.
  3. If no answer is given or another Spokesman is not selected within the deadlines, the mediator chosen by the plaintiff automatically assume the functions of Procedure Spokesman. To ensure the application of the terms above, the parts can transmit a copy of their communications to the TAH.
  4. After his nomination, the spokesman will submit to the TA a request of an arbitration procedure. The TA will refuse, or will delay the arbitration procedure when:
    1. the conditions of Spokesman's residence or language are not satisfied;
    2. one of the parts is already involved in a current arbitration procedure;
    3. the former mandatary of a previous arbitration procedure with one or both parts, contends the celebration of a new procedure.
  5. The recording of an arbitration automatically interrupts any separation procedure from the parts.

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