The convention of procedures
After having recognized the equal rights of version, the author's abdication to the personal exercise of the trusteeship leads to a democratic reform of the exploitation model of the Convention in each country. The participants' commitment raises the work as a
civil agreement, where the expression of the general will replaces the author's personal opinion. The Convention should not be understood as a Constitution, because its originating relation with the GLT locates it within the same retrospective borders of the
Internet© modifier, in comparison with the law of States. It does not define the statutes of an organization. It does not grant to participants any representativeness in front of thirds. On the other hand, it casts the foundations of a
non-incorporated organization, able to act in an united way, and to manage resources subjected to the general interest. The description of the decision-making procedures and of the censal funds management model receives the name of
Convention of procedures.
The working model is based on division —and segregation— of three powers: trusteeship power, financial power and executive power. The Trusteeship Administration (TA), emanation of the trustees brought together in the Council, is responsible for the evolvement of the procedures on Internet. Approved Entities, organized by districts, are responsible of districts and of economic resources management placed under the common interest. Lastly, the parts with electoral rights elect
mediators, who approve resolutions, and receive missions, in order to carry out projects on the account of the common resources.
This model is based on four premises. Firstly, the Entities enjoy in their respective countries the legal capacity necessary to ensure the management of the funds subjected to the common interest, called
censal funds. In the second place, the financing of the projects is approved by
associative vote, in which each vote is given a nominal capital. if the democratic majority is reached, the sum of voting capital, corresponding to favorable ballots, must be higher than the amount of the budget ("
one ballot, two votes"). Third, because the lack of a representative organization on Internet, nominated mediators will deal with the execution of the approved decisions. Lastly and fourthly: the censal funds are united, and their management by the entities is subordinated to the approved decisions.
The various protocols making it possible to approve resolutions reproduce a scenario that is common to any negotiation. Two Spokesmen play two real or symbolic roles: the Spokesman who sells a work or presents a project, is called the Holder, and the Spokesman who acquires the rights, or manage the creation of the work, called the procedure spokesman or shortly, the Spokesman The goal is to obtain the required funding on the account of the censal funds. The procedure is as follows: the holder initially designates the procedure spokesman in the list of the mediators in exercise. Then the new spokesman must prepare and defend the project of the holder. The presentation of the proposal submitted to vote is a formal request for mission, based on precise estimate of objectives, budgetary, calendar, etc. Once the mission is approved, the spokesman is granted the mandate and the authority to sign a contractual agreement with the holder. The Spokesman must ensure the follow-up of the project, carry out payments and regularly present mission reports.
The principal variant this scenario depends on the amount of the budget to adopt. When the budgetary charge is lower than a certain threshold (called the
threshold of procedure), it is possible to approve it by a simple vote of the mediators, followed by a noncontradictory vote of the Council of Trustees. Conversely, beyond the threshold of procedure, the call for an associative vote from all the participants is compulsory: in addition to the democratic majority, it is necessary to reach a sufficient capital in favorable ballots. The rule of the threshold of procedure appears in all the procedures: the arbitration for litigations between parts; the criticism procedure for the acquisition of the exploitation rights of a translatable work; the procedure of approval of collective works or services.
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