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In3activa Convention of translators and interpreters (CITI version 1, revision 5, "The Elections")
III.3. Registered participants
Art.27: Members voters
  1. It is necessary to obtain a certificate of execution for the exercise of electoral rights. The Certificate of execution is reserved to registered participants who comply with the individuation rule.
  2. The rights specific to a voter are as follows:
    1. To exert his vote at the time of a direct poll;
    2. To be candidate to elections to mediators.
  3. The vote is individual. The vote is secret. The vote is not compulsory.
  4. The vote is performed in Internet, through an electronic form put on line by the TA.
  5. The Voter will be able to take part in all the procedures exhibited by the Trusteeship Administration, without other restrictions that those contained by this Convention. Moreover, the Voter will be able to participate to the procedures organized by the Approved Entities, if the Voter satisfies the conditions contained, and approved by these Entities before his inscription.
  6. The voter must communicate to the DE an email address for electoral use, which may differ from his usual contact email, through which it will receive a secret and exclusive validation key, so he will be able to perform his vote at the time of the polls. Participants are responsible of the correct operation of their electoral emails, and to check their correct inscription on the electoral lists prepared by the DE.
  7. In ordinary procedures with a budget and decided by associative votes, the participant's ballot is associated with a capital proportional to the sum of the deposits of which it is the holder. The DE must determine the voting capital in accordance with the information provided by the ME.

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