Art.22: Issuance of certificates of execution
- The certificate of execution is an official transfer of electoral rights, for a price, an extent and a maximum duration, assigned to a registered member who complies with the individuation rule. The condition of registered member cannot be confused with that of member voter; for example, the entities with legal personality, which do not comply with the individuation rule are excluded.
- The DE will deal with the issuance of the certificate, on behalf of the TA. They will freely fix the price, which can differ between Entities, and the duration of the certificate, which could be lower or equal to the duration planned for the general District.
- The incomes obtained of the issuance of electoral certificates are subject to the provisions of the General Exploitation Agreement and to the sharing rule. After deduction of the agency fee, the percentage of exploitation is transferred to the exploitation funds of the District Entity.
- The price of the certificate issued by the General District is defined by procedure, and it is published in the Appendix of this Convention.
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