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In3activa Convention of translators and interpreters (CITI version 1, revision 5, "The Elections")
III.2. Approved Entities
Art.20: Competences
  1. Approved Entities are divided into two categories:
    1. District Entities: they ensure the electoral administration and emit certificates of execution;
    2. Management Entities, compulsorily recorded in the District Entities corresponding to their headquarters.
  2. Under the view of this Convention, the preceding distinction does not mean the functions are incompatible, inside the same entity. The District Entity can adopt for itself the rule of incompatibility of functions. Nevertheless, once adopted by the DE, the application of the rule of incompatibility is irreversible. If a District Entity wishes to cumulate again the functions of a Management Entity, it will have to unsubscribe itself, then to present his candidature again.
  3. Any approved entity will offer the same services to participants who are registered in other approved Entities. All the entities cooperate between them and lend assistance to their participants, to guarantee in particular:
    1. The free transfer of nominal funds;
    2. The application of the budgetary decisions and the arbitration awards;
    3. Professional and legal assistance to registered participants;
    4. Information, formation and exchanges supporting the human, cultural and professional development of participants.
  4. Without prejudice to the provisions of the Convention or approved resolutions, the Approved Entities are held with the secrecy of information they manage.
  5. Operations, agreements or associations between entities that affect the procedure course or that modify the censal funds composition managed by entities, will have to be communicated to the TA and could be subjected to procedure. It is not necessary to inform about operations that have no effect on the censal funds nature or composition, or on the appropriate procedure course.

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