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In3activa Convention of translators and interpreters (CITI version 1, revision 5, "The Elections")
Art.104: Procedure
  1. The procedure of dissolution of the convention is the ordinary procedure that ends the execution agreement. The procedure only foresees the AT dissolution, the end of current mandates and agreements, as well as the ultimate destination of the censal funds. The budget of the procedure of dissolution is equivalent to the totality of the censal funds, and it is approved by associative way.
  2. Any participant, including the TAH, can request the procedure. The presented motion must allot a mandate to the spokesman and describe in detail the course and the costs of the dissolution, as for any other resolution.
  3. The TA convenes a first restricted vote, in accordance with the applicable criterion of majority. The rejection by the mediators closes the procedure. In the event of favorable restricted vote, a direct binary vote from voters is compulsory, with a conclusive result.
  4. After an approval by direct vote, provided the provisions included in the approved motion, the stages of dissolution of the convention are as follows:
    1. The General Rate is fixed to zero.
    2. The normal ending of procedures in progress is guaranteed, as well as the current administrative and executive mandates, including the mandate of dissolution.
    3. The Management Entities pay the Return of Exploitation to all the registered participants, without consideration of the threshold of exploitation.
    4. The separation of the registered participants is carried out, and after the liquidation of the nominal deposits, the corresponding records are removed.
    5. Territorial and Management Entities destroy their respective Registries and they are released from their obligations.
    6. La AT ensures the continuity of its services, registries and files until the resignation or mandate termination of the last mandatary.
    7. Lastly, the TA shares its owned funds between the legitimate Trustees and declares the dissolution of the Council of Trustees.
  5. On the owned resources of the TA, the sharing rule applies in the following way:
    1. The percentages of exploitation and version are divided in equal parts and are paid to the legitimate Trustees;
    2. The percentage of trusteeship is transferred to the holder of the original rights of the work: the author.
  6. The exploitation of all the versions of the work is suspended In all Countries, and for all languages: they will be exhibited on Internet in the terms described by the GLT, in accordance with the provisions contained in the GLT, with the compulsory mention of the holder's name original rights: the author.
  7. The license of execution is not revocable.
  8. Internet© 1999 - 2005 Unofficial Version -
    GLT-EN version.5 (
    In3ActivA® is an author's mark subjected to the provisions of the Convention.
    Version 1, executable, exhibited on Internet.
    Revision 1 - Donostia, March 2001
    Revision 2 - Donostia, October 2001
    Revision 3 - Ziburu, March 2003
    Revision 4 - Ziburu, May 2004
    Revision 5 - Ziburu, July 2005.

Internet© 1999-2005 Unofficial Version -
GLT-EN version 1.5 (
In3ActivA® is an author's mark subjected to the provisions of the Convention.